Leisure facilities in Alpirsbach

Leisure tips for our Black Forest

Schwarzwald Motorradfahren
Schwarzwald Wandern
Schwarzwald Biken
Schwarzwald Wasserfall

There are plenty of possibilities in and around Alpirsbach for taking a walt, riding the bike or hiking.

For all guests, who want to go by E-bike, we have a free of charge “E-bike station at the “Roessle”.

As with the excursion destinations, we can only show you some possibilities, e.g.:

- Golfing range Alpirsbach
- Rafter path at the Kinzig
Nature reserve Glaswald
- Bike lane Kinzigtal
Lothar path at the "Schwarzwaldhochstraße"

You can get information, valuable advise and corresponding documents in the “Roessle”.

We will be pleased to assist you.

Hotel-Restaurant "Rössle"
Inh. Thorsten Beilharz
Aischbachstraße 5
72275 Alpirsbach/Schwarzwald

Phone +49 (0)7444 / 95604-0
Fax +49 (0)7444 / 95604-40